The Do’s And Dont’s To Write An Impactful Resume

You are super excited about seeing this wonderful career option that got posted in a job portal. As a first step, you are going to send your resume to the hiring manager. Being the first introduction to a company’s hiring manager, your resume is definitely a most influential marketing tool in your job search.
Keeping in mind that your resume meets the hiring manager even before you do. Tell me whether it is gonna be an easy job to skillfully summarise your entire skills and career on a single page.
Fret not, the role of an impactful resume on a hiring table is crucial and here are the essential Do’s and Dont’s that can help you to pin down an impactful resume. Whether you are a fresher looking to create your first resume or a professional updating your old resume, these points add the extra fuel needed to make your resume a sparkling one.
Do’s: To Write An Impactful Resume
Customising your resume for each position you apply is important. “One for all” approach will not work here, tailoring your resume gives you an opportunity to highlight the job-specific essential skills and experience. When a screening software is used, it scans for job-specific keywords so include the job listings lead on phrasing.
Highlight your most relevant experiences:
Your recruiter evaluates you to be a right fit for the current role only when he sees the relevant experience. Obviously, he doesn’t want to hire a professional working in a completely different technology. Isn’t it? Tune your resume to highlight the relevant experience. This seems to be challenging for a fresher or a professional switching to a brand new industry, try listing your transferable skills, related projects, and relevant coursework instead.
Show off your relevant technical skills:
Let know your recruiter about your proficiency level on the technical side. Keep in mind that it needs to align with the job listing and decide which software and technology skills are essential to include. Including the certifications that you have earned from an authorized training provider such as SKILLOGIC™ can help you to earn the credibility of you being an apt fit for the job.
Achievements and rewards:
Have you won “Best employee of the year” or “ Best target achiever”? Wouldn’t it be awesome to let know your recruiter that you are making an influential contribution and have been recognized with increased responsibility? Include your awards, special recognition and career highlights in your resume and back it up with measurable results.
Include soft skills:
Soft skills play important role in any job and your recruiter would love to hire the one who is proactive, ability to work in a team, positive attitude and with good communication skills. Make sure to describe the desired soft skills that your hiring manager is looking for.
Proofread multiple times:
When you proofread multiple times, the chances of correcting or reframing a sentence to an attractive one is more. Show it to your friends and ask them for feedback as fresh eyes may grab errors easily.
Don’t: To Write An Impactful Resume
Personal Information:
Never punch in personal details such as height, weight, religion, Aadhar number, house address, hobbies, salary information, etc in your resume. You will be mailing your resume for many job opportunities and it is vulnerable to threats if your personal information is easily available on it.
Irrelevant work experience:
If your hiring manager is looking to hire for a manager position then there is no use in quoting your teaching experience unless it is related to management. You might have experience in many domains but quoting all of them for this current role will not work. Include only relevant work experience with details.
Strict no to outdated skills:
There is no use in pointing to a skill which is obsolete or not in practice. Even if you are proficient in that skill do not include it in the resume as it will not impress your recruiter either will it not help you to clear the interview process. Instead of pointing to an obsolete skill which you are proficient in, you can show off the latest job-related course that you have enrolled with a global training provider such as SKILLOGIC™ Institute.
Focusing on designs:
Your content is the one that will speak and make sure that your information is easy to digest. Instead, if you are providing irrelevant information in a beautifully designed template then it is of no use. It is essential that your resume needs to look nice but spending too much time on the design part is not necessary unless you are working in a design field.
Grammatical errors and spelling mistakes:
Make an error-free resume and take time in reading each sentence. Do you know that more than 60 % of recruiters reject a profile if it has a typo?? Also, 43% of recruiters do not even care to consider a candidate if their resume has even one minor spelling mistake. So do not ignore the spell check and proofreading routine.
Career Objective:
This is not the space to write loads and loads of stuff using technical jargons and buzzwords. Keep it simple and make it a one-line summary describing your work experience.
Let us jump to an employer’s side for few minutes, the hiring costs that employers invest, the time and efforts in the screening process is huge. Think of their situation when they need to narrow it down to a handful of resumes from millions received. They will be rushing over all the piles of resumes and it is essential that yours need to stand out and impress the hiring manager. It would definitely be worth it when you spend some time to write a recruiter ready resume or look out for professional services to get the job done for you.
On an average, a recruiter spends just 6.25 seconds in resume perusal so it is quite important that your resume needs to capture the recruiter’s eyes in those precious seconds.
Write an impactful resume and keep your queue filled with great job opportunities!!!
We, SKILLOGIC™, a renowned training provider with years of experience in training industry is training candidates in all industry recognized courses at a cost-effective price. Whether you’re just starting out, or a pro looking to upgrade and certify your skills, ping us to get certified and earn top-tier salaries.
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