All About Ethical Hacking

In this day and age, cyber-security has turned out to be an intriguing topic of interest among many businesses. With malicious hackers detecting brand new ways to violate the security of networks day-to-day, the need for an ethical hacker has become more quintessential across all sectors. It has generated a profusion of possibilities for cyber and has motivated individuals to take up ethical hacking as their career.

Aren’t you familiar with the term ‘Hacking’?
Even if you are, let me reintroduce you to the term. Hacking is an operation wherein the hackers upon discovering loopholes in a system try to illegitimately capture it for conducting malicious activities from erasing system files to snitching sensitive information.
Whereas, Ethical Hacking is the authorized practice of breaking through a security system to identify possible cracks and dangers present in a network. They can strengthen an organization’s general cyber-security system and reduce the chances of successful hacking.
How important is Ethical Hacking?
Ethical Hackings helps ensure safety and security by identifying the weak areas and suggesting preventive measures. By the end of 2021, cybercrime is believed to cost the world $6 trillion. By 2025, this figure will increase to $10.5 trillion. To terminate the rising number of cyber-crimes, Ethical Hacking is the only way to go.
Types of Ethical Hacking
- Web Application Hacking: Web pages are generated at the server and presented to the viewer. There can arise client-side vulnerabilities and server-side vulnerabilities which lead to web application hacking.
- System Hacking: Hacktivists obtain access to personal computers over a network through system hacking. Password busting, privilege escalation, malicious software construction, and packet sniffing are some of the defensive measures that IT security experts can use to reduce these threats.
- Web Server Hacking: An application software database server generates web information in real-time. So the attackers employ Gluing, ping deluge, port scan, sniffing attacks, and social engineering techniques to snatch credentials, passcodes, and company information from the web application.
- Hacking Wireless Networks: Because wireless networks utilize radio waves to transmit, a hacker can easily get hold of the system from either a location nearby.
- Social Engineering: The art of manipulating the masses so that they disclose sensitive information is known as social engineering.
What is the Scope of Ethical Hacking?
Ethical hacking is a domain that is expanding rapidly so there are countless job opportunities in this field. Internet security and networking are the two booming industries where ethical hackers could be employed. Ethical hackers are recruited to perceive any vulnerability that might exist in a network and to affix them. They can work in the government sector as well as private organizations as cyber-security experts.
Where can an Ethical Hacker work?
Ethical Hackers could be found majorly in IT firms. But that doesn’t mean that other sectors don’t need one. The financial service providers, airlines, retail chains, and hotels employ Ethical Hackers. The government agencies namely law enforcement, defense organizations, forensic laboratories, detective companies also offer challenging roles to ethical hackers.
Are there any Limitations to Ethical Hacking?
There are always two sides to a coin. Educating an individual with the whole picture of hacking with the intention to not malignantly utilize his skill can always turn out helpful but it also paves the way for potential risks and jeopardy. Hacking needs to be approached and taught by laying down an ethical principle in mind.
Ethical Hacking is an exciting, stimulating area of study as it requires proficiency, the expertise in everything that forms a system or network. This is why the Ethical Hacking Courses are in demand among aspiring ethical hackers.
Now, if you are intending to step into the world of cyber security, you can acquire Ethical Hacking Training from SKILLOGIC which is a leading institute for professional certifications training in Ethical Hacking that is accredited by the EC-Council. SKILLOGIC conducts Ethical Hacking Classroom courses in Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad and Pune.
Do you think you have what it takes to be an Ethical Hacker? Do not hesitate to join!